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The principles of physics as outlined in this textbook, which was last revised in 2008, were designed specifically to include the most recent scientific discoveries. It is a non-mathematical text that will introduce students to those concepts and theories which have been tested and verified by the mathematical methods. The world has changed a lot since then, but I believe that physics is still applicable today, and this textbook provides a nice summary of those changes. The first edition of "Giancoli Physics" was published by Pearson Prentice Hall in the year 2000. The fourth edition of this textbook was last published in 2014. It has received positive reviews on Amazon. Inglish pdf : Title: amazonian dark earths Author: michael allan grysko Title: amazonian dark earths author: michael allan grysko Publisher : de gruyter (2014-01) Subject : amazon, agronomy Pages : 247 pages . size : 0.73 mb Title:The Postwar American West Author:Roderick J Nash Bioethics in the 21st Century: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities is a leading text that analyzes a wide range of bioethical topics and issues including human enhancement, human cloning, abortion, pediatrics and end of life care. This text stands out for its solid integration of philosophy into the discussion of bioethical issues. The book provides a brief history of bioethics and an overview of the many issues in bioethics. The text relies extensively on the work of John Rawls, James Rachels, Thomas Scanlon and Susan Wolf. The author discusses both general principles required for ethical reasoning, specifically the “principle of moral skepticism”, and specific ethical problems in society. This book also includes discussions on advances in biotechnology including genetics, neurobiology, neuroscience and behavioral sciences. The work is distinctive in its analytical approach to bioethics, which favors philosophy over medical ethics. Title: The Architectural Renaissance of the High Renaissance Author:Dennis Ashbaugh This textbook provides a chronological account of architecture from its origins to 1550 AD. The author goes into great detail describing the evolution of architecture over this period by describing how it evolved from Greece, Egypt, Assyria, Persia, India and China. cfa1e77820